
The Master Plan for each campus is a diagram of needs, priorities and quantities. Each Master Plan is developed from the information gathered from the outreach efforts, facilities assessments, and the Escondido Union School District's educational vision. The goal of each Master Plan is to quantify these priorities and their associated costs.  

DLR Group met with the Principal and Selected Staff at each of the schools to discuss their needs and familiarize ourselves with the layout and utilization of each campus.

The Master Plan diagrams should not be interpreted as a “design solution” for each campus. Rather, these diagrams are intended to show possible locations, adjacency and size.  As each Master Plan is implemented, the selected design team will work with each school to develop the specific architectural plans complying with the needs of the campus, all applicable codes, the identified scope, budget and schedule.

How to navigate the specific master plans

  1. Click on either the mascot for the school on the district's attendance map or on the corresponding list of campuses directly below the map.
  2. You will find four tabs at the top of the campus' master plan page - Master Plan, Capacity Assessment, Facility Assessments, and Costs.

Click on the Master Plan tab and you will be directed to the school utilization plan. At the top of the map will be three tabs:

  • Future Plan – This plan shows what the master plan is for this particular site based on our interviews with the school, discussions with the Core Planning Group and, most importantly, the projected enrollment for this particular campus through the year 2025.
  • Existing Plan – This plan shows the layout of the current campus and how the spaces are currently being utilized.
  • Arial View – This view shows the most current Google Earth view of the campus

Please note that these plans are ‘live’ and can be ‘panned’, 'zoomed in' or 'zoomed out'.

  1. Once you have arrived at the Future Plan for your chosen campus you will find ‘tags’ on each of the proposed priority items.  Click on the tag and a description of what that priority is will appear.  Each priority corresponds with a cost item that is included on the cost document.
  2. The cost document lists each priority.  Also, included are the ‘soft costs’ which consist of costs associated with the project that are in addition to the construction costs. Examples of soft costs are: architect and engineer fees, agency fees, tests, inspections, furniture and insurance.  At the end of each cost estimate, there are contingencies added as well as an escalation factor.  The escalation factor is to account for the anticipated construction inflation (this is typically calculated to the mid-point of construction or in this case, the mid-point of the master plan implementation which is anticipated to span the next ten years).
  3. There is also a tab at the top of the Master Plan page titled “Please take the Survey” that we invite each of you to participate in.


The Master Plan for each campus is a diagram of needs, priorities and quantities. Each Master Plan is developed from the information gathered from our outreach effortsfacilities assessments, and the EUSD educational vision. The goal of each Master Plan is to quantify these priorities and their associated cost.

Master Plan diagrams should not be interpreted as a “design solution” for each campus. Rather, all locations, adjacencies, and program suggestions within the buildings are presented to show they are recognizable and accounted for. As each Master Plan is implemented, each project will begin with a programming phase, and the design team will work with each school to assess the details and implications of each priority identified in the campus master plan.

Master Plans